Paschal Bailey Obituary The following is an excerpt from "The Memoirs of Lenawee County, Michigan" [Mr Bailey] ..always followed the agricultural life and his farm was acquired direst from the government, his title deeds having been signed by President Andrew Jackson. This tract of virgin land was converted into a fine farm and brought to a high state of cultivation, and here where he labored and fought the wilderness he passed away in 1877, his wife,...having died June 22, 1855. In politics [he] was an ardent Democrat and held several offices, including Justice of the Peace. Both were members of the Episcopal Methodist Church. They had been married in the state of New York and four children were born to them, as follows: Caroline, widow of George Hadley, a farmer of Manistee County, this state; Nathan A; Elnora, who became the wife of Robert Sloan, now deceased, and lives in Adrian Township; and Herman C., who is a farmer of Franklin Township.